Wednesday, 17 December 2008

My illustrations

These are my initial illustrations that have been used in the website

Finished comic strip

This is the final comic strip for the bear porn icon. I have made it long so the user has to scroll through the comic.

image for comic strip sequence

Monday, 15 December 2008

Key Elements

This is our presentation board on our key elements

Site Map

Here is the Site map we completed today

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Temp Unavailable

Again with this page i have used Adams illustrations and made them fit into context so that it will explain to the user that the page is temporary unavailable.

Beer Page

Here i coloured in Adams illustration of the pint glass when it is full and empty. I added text to the empty pint where it basically explains how beer can be used to intoxicate the bear. Each individual letter has been resized and rotated so that it gives the impression that your drunk hence making it hard to read.

Friday, 12 December 2008

Shelf Page

For the shelf page to be more user friendly we decided to remove the guns and replace them with text explaining how the items from the shelfs can be used against the bear.


Here i tried making an animation at the beginning of the website so that it would tell a narrative to the audience allowing them to understand the website better. But because of complications with file size and changing colours it proved to be inefficient when played in a web browser so we opted to change it to a click storyboard.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Forest Shack Drawings - Initial Stage

Bear WIth Colour

Other Bear Ideas

My Drawings

Here i have drawn my version of the bear but because i have used pastels it makes the bear more mature and therefore loses the tongue and cheek feel.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Animation imagery

As a group we added colour, shading and background to my bear drawing. The colour and shading has really brought out the image as a whole.

We preferred Adam's drawing of his man, so added the head to the body of the man running that I had drawn and adapted the colour to make it look like one piece.

Tamara's initial drawings

These are my initial drawings for the animation at the beginning of the website. We decided as a group to create our own images, which we would then show each other and decide which ones worked best.

Thursday, 4 December 2008




The compass could be used as a method of navigation through the website


Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Monday, 1 December 2008


This idea explores how we can use an animation at the beginning of the website to set the seen and unveil a narrative. It then leads on to how we can make different sections of the man being interactive.